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Offex Dark Gray Velvet 2-Seater Sofa with Wood Legs - 77"L x 31"W x 31"H
Offex Dark Gray Velvet 2-Seater Sofa with Wood Legs - 77"L x 31"W x 31"H

Offex Dark Gray Velvet 2-Seater Sofa with Wood Legs - 77"L x 31"W x 31"H

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Tight Back

A Tight-back sofa is “exactly what it sounds like” a type of sofa whose back cushion is built into the frame, ensuring that there is no loose cushion on the back. The back of a tight-back sofa has a firm feel creating a clean, tailored, formal look. With a tight-back sofa everything will always look neat since there won’t be anything out of place such as smashed down cushions. This type of sofa is a great option especially if you have kids who keep messing up living room by fluffing your cushions leaving behind a messy sofa, a tight-back sofa will keep your living room neat after your kids are done playing around. However depending on your comfort level the firm back of a tight-back sofa can turn out to be a pro or a con depending on how you love sitting on your sofa.

Dark Gray

Dark gray is an unfathomably adaptable tone, and it's ideal to use in a living room since you have such a lot of decisions – from a scarcely there dark gray. It's the ideal base tone to assist you with enriching the lounge you had always wanted. Tones that murmur instead of yell is an unquestionable requirement for rooms intended to advance unwinding. Like dark gray color sofas, these visually don't distract so that you can focus on a movie or a good book. Its undertone absorbs the busy patterns, and these patterns allow sitting more comfortably within the overall scheme. It's a little bit different from the light gray color sofa. It is best for those who like dark tones.

This can be improved further with the expansion of characteristic foliage, a gigantically well-known adornment. Choose cushions and upholstery in rich weaves, delicate linens, and elegant damasks, with Moroccan-style metal tables to add allure. A dark-gray sofa in a living room provides a perfect canvas to add to your style.


A sofa in a gray tone can beautifully anchor the living space. The gray color sofa in the living space is an ideal shade to supplement some exquisite, quieted colors. A neutral gray is an excellent shade that compliments nearly every shade scheme. In a room brimming with nonpartisan tones, a gray sofa appears to be a characteristic decision. A gray sofa mixes into the room plan and fills in as an incredible background for improving pieces with complex patterns.

The gray color sofa helps highlight other features in the room such as artwork and various accents. Lighting is the main part of your living room it is best paired with a gray color sofa. It pairs excellently with light color wood and bold patterns. A gray color sofa is the ideal blend of style and comfort. Complete the appearance of your dark-themed living room with a dark sofa. Its dark color fills the space pleasantly. The gray color sofa is an eye-catching color. This gray color is rich in texture which makes it attractive.


This fantastic recliner couch includes a protected delicate back and accompanies a chair alternative. With the press of a catch, it slides forward so you can put your feet up. The recliner couch is a genuinely new sort of love seat, however has filled in ubiquity given they're extraordinary for sitting in front of the TV and perusing.

While not the best pick for a conventional living room, they're stupendous for family rooms and media rooms. Indeed, with a little carpentry work assembling a stage in a TV room and getting two recliner couches, you can make a fine home media room. This can be improved further with the expansion of characteristic foliage, a gigantically well-known adornment. A recliner sofa is the ideal blend of style and comfort. . The recliner sofa can be casual and even way simple but still looks beautiful in a family or media room.


Couches are your location for wonderful arrangements in the looks you love. Nailhead trim is an extraordinary plan detail that can be added to practically any upholstered furniture piece. Nailheads come in various sizes and complete and can be applied in heaps of various examples. You could utilize brushed nickel or glossy metal to glitz up space or go with antiqued nails to add a natural touch. Artwork in the living room can also accentuate the beauty of a living room. This can be improved further with the expansion of characteristic foliage, a gigantically well-known adornment.

Pick nailheads that are a contrary tone from the texture for to a greater degree an assertion or to plot an intriguing shape. Match the nailheads to the texture for an inconspicuous look. Nickel nailheads on light textures or dim bronze nailheads on dim textures will add unpretentious plan detail.


Most of the top-of-the-line marks today sell removable couches because of their various advantages. This sort of configuration is known as a free back plan. The couches are effectively removable, while some of the time these plans likewise have lower cushions that can be eliminated too. These couches can be pricier. The couch can be handily taken out to make serious seating space when you have visitors around. Spot the cushions on the floor, and this will act as a seat in itself. You can likewise effectively put the cushions against the armrest and sleep or rest.

The cushions can likewise be gone over to shroud any stains that may have come over the long haul. These covers can be eliminated and they are laundering able. You can eliminate the cover as per your accommodation and supplant them with new covers. You will have another couch at whatever point you supplant the covers.

Removable Cushion

Although the presence of a couch is significant, there's much more to consider with regards to picking one for your home. Removable-cushions are found on better quality sets that are all more expensive to fabricate. The removable-cushions on the backs have the entirety of the advantages and disadvantages of removable seat cushions. You can turn the cushions and eliminate the cushions for a simple fix or topping off. Couches with removable cushions are additionally a lot simpler to convey as the cushions fall off, in addition to they will be a lot lighter. What's more, I likewise think by and large removable cushions are more agreeable. You can fix the removable cushions if your texture or leather is as yet accessible.

Numerous quality leather makers will set a pattern into the seat deck if you need to arrange leather for fixes or need to arrange more pieces that coordinate. On the off chance that something split on cushions, you can without much of a stretch clean it.


In case you're searching for an approach to integrate your farmhouse or cabin-style living space, a slipcovered couch will take care of business. These slipcovered sofas have acquired prevalence of late, to a limited extent because of the ascent of farmhouse stylistic theme. Today, there are various kinds of slipcovered couches to look over; including alternatives produced using a wide range of materials in a wide scope of shadings. One thing to note, notwithstanding: While the possibility of a slipcovered couch was previously that the cover could be taken out and washed, that is not generally the case these days. Numerous slipcovered couches highlight a slipcover to look good, and their covers must be spot cleaned or laundered.

Slipcovered Sofa has exemplary plans that will coordinate any stylistic theme style, and it arrives in a wide scope of textures, permitting you to pick the ideal upholstery to suit your space.


Each home appears to require increasingly more extra room to keep up that messiness-free and engaging tasteful and storage sofa can give an ideal arrangement. Storage couches are not just a functional alternative as they can likewise add engaging style to your stylistic theme. There is a decision of different styles, plans, and tones to supplement your room and make a brilliant look.

The greatest advantage of storage couches is that you can make a messiness-free zone. Our living spaces need to offer adaptable usefulness, as a spot to engage visitors, mess around, sit in front of the TV or essentially unwind. Another advantage of a storage couch is that you have someplace to keep all your occasional things. At last, perhaps the best thing about a storage couch is that you just need to close the compartment to get any messiness far from the eyes of guests or visitors.


Agreeable and adaptable, texture couches can now and again as of now feel "broken in" when they show up at your home. With regards to furniture, "texture" is for all intents and purposes inseparable from "alternatives." With the flexibility of texture, you can make any conventional couch into a special augmentation of your own style. Furthermore, texture lounge chairs can likewise be more affordable than cowhide ones. So you can make the ideal persona in your front room without burning up all available resources.

You may locate that even the cleanest of homes can draw in colors, smells, and residue to your furnishings and it very well may be hard to get them out of texture once they're there. Moreover, the strength of your sofa material might be of worry in families with little youngsters and pets, as the most texture are produced using either cotton or a combination of both cotton and polyester.


In the event that you love a consoling 'sink in' feeling from a couch, at that point fiber is your companion. Fiber fillings will in general be produced using polyester and it brings about a delicate, cushy feel to your couch.

Think delicate and soft, at a lower cost than its foam-filled partner. You should consistently full cushions to guarantee the air is reestablished between the strands. Normal cleaning and vacuuming is required as well, bringing about significantly more upkeep in contrast with foam. Fiber seats have a lot of air caught between the strands. At the point when you sit, the air is siphoned out and your base may wind up well underneath your knees. This is not really an open to the sitting situation as your back can't get legitimate help all things considered. At the point when you rest, the sinking is well on the way to be much more profound. The fiber couch is stain-safe.


Foam sofas are a lot firmer in contrast with fiber sofas and can give more body uphold while sitting. While there are various evaluations of foam accessible, the foam couch will likewise hold its shape obviously superior to the fiber couch. It doesn't change its shape after individuals have sat on the cushions. Foam couches are likewise more strong and seen as being safer in contrast with fiber couches. As the foam couch doesn't trap dust or different particles, a foam couch can be simpler to clean without requiring expert consideration. In the event that you have a bustling family unit with pets or children, this by itself could be a driving element in assisting you with picking them.

While foam couch will in general be the most famous decision, comfort is an individual decision and what works for one individual may not totally work for another.


Hardwood is quite possibly the most famous kind of wood as of now utilized in furniture fabricating. At the point when utilized in sofas, this wood is hard wearing and hefty. Its material is hefty and solid. With added dampness opposition, this wood can withstand long stretches of mileage – not tumbling to colors of a wide range of variations. This wood is likewise typically gleamed to radiate an improving vibe, with its characteristic whirls and contorts ending up being a wonder. This wood likewise does well with wood-finishing.

It additionally has excellent stun obstruction; this will take a ton to harm furniture made with this wood, for example, setting hefty loads upon it.

The front room with the hard-wood sofa looks excessively faultless and contemporary. It's the ideal wood to assist you with upgrading the front room you had reliably required.


You might be inclined to consider a plastic couch being "modest," you have likely not considered all the advantages related to a great plastic couch. The plastic couch is practically upkeep-free, you should simply bring it home and set it up in the manner in which you like it; you will not need to invest any more energy or cash on it later on. The plastic couch requires no artwork and is sans rust, in contrast to different materials. The plastic couch can undoubtedly be reused.

It is regularly more reasonable than different alternatives including wood and metal. It is lightweight and simple to move around and revamp. Generally strong, dropping it will not harm it. An assortment of tones is accessible in plastic couches. It is waterproof, the most ideal choice in a downpour, will not rust or break. It is innocuous to youngsters, doesn't have sharp edges or corners.


Polyurethane is a gleaming plastic produced using liquid pitch regularly utilized as a man-made choice to leather. It's normally versatile and fit for repulsing stains similarly to polyester. This is to a great extent on the grounds that the two materials are the equivalent - the lone distinction being that one is produced using woven filaments and one is a consistent sheet. Investigate the two materials one next to the other and you'll comprehend the distinction.

Not with standing, polyurethane isn't biodegradable and requires a few centuries to decay. It is truly strong however powerless to breaking and UV harm. Polyurethane couches are less expensive and more creature benevolent than leather couches. They are simpler to really focus on, are entirely tough, and are viewed as harmless to the ecosystem. They likewise don't break with the utilization or blur under daylight. Nonetheless, they are more handily torn than genuine leather.


Velvet love seats have a pleasant sheen and are regularly delicate and agreeable. A velvet sofa is a firmly woven texture containing a blend of nylon, cotton, or silk textures. The thick weave gives the material an unmistakable, delicate feel. As velvet sofa is woven with two distinct thicknesses of texture, it offers more profundity contrasted with other upholstery materials. This gives velvet love seats more measurement.

The profundity of the velvet material draws in more residue and earth. To keep a velvet living room sofa clean, proprietors need to routinely vacuum the sofa.

The delicate material additionally effectively pulls in pet hair and dander, which might be an issue for individuals who have hypersensitivities. Notwithstanding the trouble of cleaning a velvet living room sofa, these household items are entirely tough. The thick weave forestalls mileage. It will make your room more smart and stylish.


Sofas made of wood are durable and long-lasting. Wood is moderately hard it very well may be impervious to scratches and imprints. It has an even grain and is non-harmful. The wood couch is normally climate safe. The wood couch finishes well and has a delightful completed look. Additionally known for its ubiquity use for old-fashioned furnishings, wood is a centuries ago with the legitimate consideration. It is viewed as a valued wood sofa among experts. The wood couch is frequent speculation that will take care of the long haul.

The species' delightful appearance and fair shading make it an incredible wood type for the present-day sofa. it has an exquisite, clean-line grain that supplements the shortsighted inside plan. This wood can only with significant effort be broken or harmed, so comes in as quite possibly the most wood couches. It additionally has a delicate to-contact surface so can be cleaned off with no issue.


Despite your living room décor or design a reversible sofa will always be the perfect choice as it complements any style and provides unmatched comfort, plus it’s the ideal choice if you are looking to redesign or refresh your space. A reversible sofa allows you to change the placement of the sofas long chaise cushion, making it to go right or left depending on your preference. The reversible sofa is ideal for anyone who is looking for more functionality on their sofa. A reversible sofa can be flipped and moved to face the left or right side, with a reversible sofa you get the best of both worlds as it can switch around with ease. This is a very useful feature for anyone who desire to switch around their sofas by having the left facing arm to face on the right, that simple feature allows one to redesign their whole living room without having to purchase new sofas.


A symmetrical sofa is the perfect sofa for you if you have a medium or large sized living room as it offers extra seating space without having the people seated too far from each other, like it’s the case with accent chairs. A symmetrical sofa is the right piece of furniture if you are furnishing a cozy living room or an intimate family room. In case you have a large family or you do hosts guests too often you definitely need a symmetrical sofa as it can accommodate up to 6 people with the right planning. However, before buying a symmetrical sofa you should first measure the amount of room you have in your living room, as symmetrical sofas are known to overwhelm smaller rooms, before purchasing just make sure you have enough space to accommodate the sofa and enough space for you to move around.


A stylish sofa at the center of any social space will always act as the focal point, whether you’re all hosting a game night or just curled up to the latest Netflix series, on your sofa is where you will be spending most of your time. It might not only be the centerpiece of your living room, sofas being some of the priciest pieces of furniture. They are choice that you have to ensure that you get it right. As long as your cushions are holding up the sleepover will always erase all the signs. Remember that many people prefer sitting across from each other at an angle. So there you have it, whether you want a modern or a mid-century styled sofas, sectional sofas are always the best sofas to go with.


A Traditional sofa utilizes different decorative elements as compared to a modern sofa, it tends to focus on the luxurious, extraordinary, and classy vibe. With a Traditional sofa you get a chance to showcase your refined taste, plus it portrays an atmosphere of elegance and wealth. Fabrics being popular upholstery options for traditional sofas, it can range from linen, microfiber, velvet, and polyester. Due to the use of solid wood such as Oak, Walnut, Beech, and Mahogany, traditional sofas are more expensive than modern sofas. Some sofas especially those made out of natural bamboo, have a high level of durability, rich texture, and coloration of exotic hardwood. Owning a traditional sofa has its own advantages such as: It has quality framework and upholstery, It has an eye-catching design element, and it helps creates an impressive and comfortable living space since it automatically blend with any style and color.

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